Children’s Ministry

We desire to have an active and healthy children’s ministry, but it is currently limited to those who come on Sunday mornings. We are in the process of revamping the curriculum for all age brackets: Birth up to age two, two up to kindergarten, kindergarten thru third grade, etc. We would love to be able to offer our children more and are praying the Lord will send more young families to our church so that we can move forward in this ministry area.

Choices Women’s Center

We are financial supporters of our local pregnancy support center. We would love to do more for the center in tangible ways, but we haven’t found our niche to do so yet. Member Pricilla is the Church’s liaison with the Center and one of our Ruling Elders currently serves on their Board of Directors.

More information about the center can be found on their website:

Surviving Children of Amber Ashlaw

As she began to flourish as a mother, she was tragically taken too soon from her loving family from a senseless act of domestic violence. Donated funds will be used for the care of her sons.

To learn more and to donate to the children of Amber Ashlaw, please visit:


We contribute to missions through:
• Our denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC).
• EPC World Outreach
• Northampton Church Planting Network